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Travel Team - Tour De Melon - Chiefland, FL - Century, Half Century, or Paved Trail Ride
If you are a member, please
log in to access additional, potentially lower registration fee options.
Travel Team Ride
Registration Info
Registration is required
Being a member of the NFBC Travel Team is easy and open to all NFBC members.
1) Register for the ride.
2) Wear an NFBC or major event jersey during the event.
3) Sign the NFBC Travel Team ride sheet and follow all NFBC ride rules.
Email Travel Team Captain at if you plan to participate.
About this event
Tour de Melon is a family bicycle trail ride AND a century ride on an area highway route.
• Join us for an unforgettable ride through rural America.
• Enjoy the beautiful scenery with broad areas of ranches, crop land and nature, the camaraderie of hundreds of other cyclists, and delicious fresh sweet watermelon!
• The century route is flat on good roads with low traffic.
Click Here to Register
When you register, let them know you are with the North Florida Bicycle Club.
Route Options
• Road - 50 & 100 miles
• Nature Coast Trail (paved bicycle trail) - 20 to 60 miles
All routes count for NFBC miles.

Post Ride Lunch Provide to All Registered Riders.
After your ride, swing by downtown Chiefland and visit
the 70th Annual Chiefland Watermelon Festival
Festival Info Link