The Right Whale Festival on Saturday, November 4 and Sunday, November 5 celebrates the annual return of endangered North Atlantic right whales to the warm coastal water off northeast Florida and Georgia, where they give birth to and nurse their young.
With less than 350 Right whales remaining, this family-fun event raises awareness of the threats to right whales and how we can help in their recovery. The festival highlights local efforts to protect these whales from extinction, as well as ocean-themed activities and exhibits that emphasize education and environmentally responsible adventures and products. Free Admission - Come early and spend the day For the festival schedule (live music, beach yoga, dog parade ...) and other details follow this link: Right Whale Festival Events During the Festival the NORTH FLORIDA BICYCLE CLUB will be hosting a ride honoring Right Whale Festival Co-Founder, Jessica Koelsch Bibza was tragically killed by a motorist on September 24, 2022. This will be a 32-mile ride on Amelia Island for experienced riders divided into two group paces of 16 to 20 mph (B group) and 12 to 17 mph (C group). The ride departs at 9:00. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before departure for the pre-ride brief. Helmets are required. Refreshments will be provided at Peter's Point Park. Click the link for the route map (downloadable GPS maps available) Ride with GPS Route Map The ride is free but limited to 50 cyclists so please register with the festival. Register for Ride (free)